Thursday, March 27, 2008

Might as well Jump

I'm on my way home from the Brooks Range with a 4-day layover in Fairbanks. 3 weeks in the Brooks was spectacular, only wish it could have been longer, there's simply no place like home. More pictures to follow, just getting over prop lag and culture shock.

This shot was taken by my buddy Philip after I took him up on his foolish suggestion that I rump off a 15-foot rock with my skis on.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Bill Maher- the Politically Correct

I try not to rant political here but these latest words from Bill Maher were pure genius:

"Thank God for Congress, if not for them the president would have nothing to wipe his feet on except the Constitution, and then what would he wipe his ass with?"

On a lighter note, here's Mazzy watching Porterhouse steaks cook on the fire escape grill.  Mmmmmm, meat.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Ice, ice baby

Ang and I hit Squaw Valley on Saturday and had a glorious day in the sunshine.  There was a bit of wind but it was warm and neither one of us got badly hurt so I consider the outing a success.  The mountain was nothing but base and ice that softened a little as the day wore on but was difficult for the wee snowboarding one.  It was fun to watch people yardsale on the black diamond runs with nothing to stop them or their gear.  No yardsales for us though, just chilidogs and tuna sandwiches at the mid mountain eatery that had a very strange fast food look and was run entirely by Chileans.  I guess they don't mind working at 6500 feet.  Then we dined in Sacramento Saturday and caught up with the rellies a bit.  Good times.