Sunday, January 04, 2009

I like smoke and lightning, heavy metal thunder

I've been a tad too frozen to post lately but that's no excuse.  I haven't been too frozen to shoot some pics though so here's life from my eyeballs in -50F Fairbanks ice fog and frozen snotcicles.
Dense ice fog in the spruce trees along Geist Road at high noon.

The intersection of Airport Rd. and University Ave. around 1pm, -45F

The thermometer has been well and truly stuck on -50F for 3 days now, I tap it, wiggle it, scream at it, nothing moves.

Mazzy Mae is originally from Georgia and she loves going for a walk in -50F.  I don't get it.  She sticks her nose in the snow and hunts for mice, never gets cold feet and demands biscuits when we get inside.  Unfortunately she is useless in a harness.

I pulled the truck over to get Angela in front of the sign at the base of the University.  I passed the sign 4 times later on in the day and there was someone taking a picture every time.  One time I even saw 2 girls in bikinis screaming at their friend to hurry up and take the damn photo.  I have never seen anyone in bikinis in Fairbanks before, let alone in -43F.  Unfortunately I did not get a picture of that but it made me think that camping out in front of this sign on a -40F weekend day could make for an interesting photo story.  I think the trick is to catch the cold snap early on.  Now everyone is sick of it and the novelty is wearing off.  I should also like to take this time to thank the frozen truck gods for looking after my toyota and keeping her running.  I shall buy her a round of Marvel Mystery oil for her tank in celebration.

Stay warm friends and Happy New Year!

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