Wednesday, May 07, 2008

She's My Little Runaway

Angela is calculating the number of warm Alaska nights this little sapling represents.
Extreme shrinkage in the Eel River after the marathon.
I locked in the hubs and drove through this 5,000 year old behemoth.
Utilities included.
A town full of Angela-size people live here in their tree houses, they asked Angela to be their Queen.  She said no.
Kari would not stop barking so we put her in the back of the truck with Payton.

Guitar 'round the campfire.

Matt even brought lyrics for Angela to sing along too. (she sounds just like Dolly Parton)
Mazzy loves a good hug.
Lotta leaves here, lotta leaves.
Angela and I are just back from another half marathon, Avenue of the Giants.  I still can't feel my legs.  I did a personal best of 1:45.23 which means my average mile was done in 8 minutes 3 seconds for 13.1 miles.  Yeah, not too shabby for an old man.  Angela met her goal by finishing without collapsing.  We're all winners.

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